John McCain is taking the right steps towards uniting the Republican party. With him already having a stranglehold on the moderate to left leaning Republicans, it's up to the conservatives to propel McCain now. The timing of the speech given at CPAC was perfect, and if McCain can follow through by appointing a conservative running mate, starting a conservative platform, and giving good speeches, he'll be in a good state to win the election.
Article: Moms Pre-Chewing Food Gave HIV to Kids. Newspaper: Newsday It's pretty disgusting that mother's even would pre-chew thier children's food and give it them. It's even nastier they would do so having sores or bleeding gums. Through that, infants are getting HIV. It's so disgusting and irresponsible to me.
Topic: Police chase speeding driver, car flips over
Thoughts: If the kid would have just stopped when the police put his siren, he would have just gotten a ticket for speeding. He wouldn't have other charges. It just shows that you should obay the law. The only thing that the boy did do, which was good, was go back to the accident where the cop car flipped over. I guess the guilt got to him
I think this is horrible. Something needs to be done to stop the violence especially if it with gangs and will continue. There need to more security guards or something to prevent further deaths and robberies.
title: hempstead stabbing of a high school student.
i think that its ridiculous that the school district will not higher any more security guards. it says that its a budgetary issue but that issue has to be fixed immediatly. a 15 year old student from that school was stabbed on his school handball court and died a day later. in that same school district another student was stabbed on the corner of 2 streets near the school. one student said that if they cant feel safe at school where are they supposed to feel safe? i agree with him and i think that the school has to figure out a way to higher more security guards asap before more students are hurt.
Medford boy dies; meningitis feared BY MATTHEW CHAYES - i feel terrible for the young boys parents. the little boy was only is third grade and was 8 years old. no young child should deserve dieing without living a long and happy life. he is the third long islander to die form meningitits. something needs to be done soon to help prevent this disease.
Wife arrested in dentist's death at Queens playground: Newsday I am surprised that someone would kill their ex husband in front of their five year old daughter. The women must be crazy to d othis in a playground in front of a little kid. Her reason to do this was because her husband got her daughter in the custody battle, but if she really loved her daughter and wanted to see her why would she kill her husband. She is never going to see her daughter again and now the daughter can't live with her father because he is dead.
This seems like a big issue becasue this article is saying how the biofuels, made of natrual materials and believed to be more protective to the enviorment, may ommit the same, if not more, harmful gasses into the enviorment. We need to find new efficent fuel sources.
Title: Clinton spends $5 million to keep up with Obama -Newsday
I personally think that it is absurd that people are upset and furious with the fact that Hillary Clinton is taking money from her own pocket to help fund her campaign. The bottom line is this, if you are running for president then you have an obligation to not only yourself, but your country as well to use any and all resources available to help you win. If that means taking money from your own pocket to do so, then so be it. I can't explain how absolutely ridiculous this is for people to think that it is wrong for her to do this, simply because of the fact that they do not want her to win the Presidential race.
A man pulled a knife on two police officers while they were checking on him because he was acting suspiciously. They were able to disarm him and now he faces charges of menacing a police officer. When i was reading this article I couldn't believe someone would be stupid enough to try to pull a knife on a police officer.
Health group says tobacco use could kill billion::
in the 20th century tobacco killed 100 million people but in the 21st century 1 billion people are said to be killed. $200 billion are collected in tobacco taxes each year and on ly one percent of that goes to making people more aware of whats happening to their body. People are educated all of the time about what tobacco does to their body so it's sad to to see that still so many people put themselves in danger for no reason what so ever.especially when they no the fcts ashley
Clemens back for more talks "Newsday" Went back for a second sit down to discuss the Mitchel Report. Clemens yet still denies allegations of his personal trainer. Clemens has attended more then 16 meetings
Gunman at Super Bowl turns himself in THE ASSOCIATED PRESS February 8, 2008
A want to be bar owner angree about getting denied for his liquor license said he would shoot people at the Super Bowl. He drove within sight of the stadium with a rifle and changed his mind before going inside. He turned himself in for being armed with an AR-15 assault-style rifle when he got to the parking lot. He took a minute to think about it and decided he shouldnt do it and it wasnt worth it.
"Clemens back for more lobbying in Washington"- Newsday
Clemens is still deining that he ever used steroids. However on Wednesday he will be asked under oath if he used steroids. The man that accused Clemens of using steroids has a history of lying said Clemens attorney.
"Health group says tobacco use could kill billion"
I think that it is good that the government is getting involved with this issue. The number of people who die due to tobacco related illnesses is ridiculous, and all of them could be prevented. I agree with the suggestion that the government should adopt "tobacco control policies". This will help limit second hand smoke, which has health effects on those who dont choose to smoke, and will hopefully lessen the overall use of tobacco. Compared to the amount of money that is brought in from tobacco, the government spends a small amount on controlling it. It is important that the use of tobacco does not become an issue in developing countries because they will not be able to handle the consequences.
Report: More security needed at Hempstead High-newsday this is scary because i play handball all the time at easthill and even though we play with all of them basicly its scary just hearing about that and than having it in the back of your head when your playing.
Tony Peck Meningitis suspected in child's death
An eight-year old boy died Thursday in Medford from meningitis. This is the thrid person in Long Island since January to die from meningitis. It was said that none of these deaths were connected. Doctor Chaudhry said that based on the rapidity that the symptoms worsened, it was most likely meningococcal disease. The school this boy went to is being cleaned thouroughly.
I Beat Up That 101 Year Old Lady---And I'd Do It Again! This was said and i do not believe that it really happeded but the jounalist made a story so he could display his veiws on social secruity and people taking advantage of America. There are old peopel sitting there that shoudltn even be living that are living off our money says the writer. I believe that they have a right, if we are also taken care of when we get to be their age. If you work your whole life you should be able to be comfortable in the golden years.
Article: Mexican Robin Hood Figure Gains a Kind of Notoriety in U.S. Newspaper: The New York Times
I think it's a bit rediculous that police and the government are suspecting people of drud dealing or drug abuse if they have a statue of this man. You're allowed to own what you want without suspision, and I think people should be allowed to have a statue of this Mexican legend if they want to without being recognized as a drug dealer.
Article: 3 teen girls held in robbery of girl in Roosevelt Newspaper Newsday
Stories like this make me thankful that there is law enforcement in our country. I think each one of those girls got exactly what they deserved, completely. Reading this article gave me a good feeling of satisfaction.
McCain is doing the right thing by trying to unite the republicans and hes got a strong plan to do it. on the issue of immigration McCain says It would be among my highest priorities to secure our borders first. he also believes in low taxes and strict judges.
"McCain Woos Conservatives" - Newsday
John McCain is taking the right steps towards uniting the Republican party. With him already having a stranglehold on the moderate to left leaning Republicans, it's up to the conservatives to propel McCain now. The timing of the speech given at CPAC was perfect, and if McCain can follow through by appointing a conservative running mate, starting a conservative platform, and giving good speeches, he'll be in a good state to win the election.
Article: Moms Pre-Chewing Food Gave HIV to Kids.
Newspaper: Newsday
It's pretty disgusting that mother's even would pre-chew thier children's food and give it them. It's even nastier they would do so having sores or bleeding gums. Through that, infants are getting HIV. It's so disgusting and irresponsible to me.
Topic: Police chase speeding driver, car flips over
Thoughts: If the kid would have just stopped when the police put his siren, he would have just gotten a ticket for speeding. He wouldn't have other charges. It just shows that you should obay the law. The only thing that the boy did do, which was good, was go back to the accident where the cop car flipped over. I guess the guilt got to him
Topic: teen stabbed
I think this is horrible. Something needs to be done to stop the violence especially if it with gangs and will continue. There need to more security guards or something to prevent further deaths and robberies.
title: hempstead stabbing of a high school student.
i think that its ridiculous that the school district will not higher any more security guards. it says that its a budgetary issue but that issue has to be fixed immediatly. a 15 year old student from that school was stabbed on his school handball court and died a day later. in that same school district another student was stabbed on the corner of 2 streets near the school. one student said that if they cant feel safe at school where are they supposed to feel safe? i agree with him and i think that the school has to figure out a way to higher more security guards asap before more students are hurt.
Medford boy dies; meningitis feared
i feel terrible for the young boys parents. the little boy was only is third grade and was 8 years old. no young child should deserve dieing without living a long and happy life. he is the third long islander to die form meningitits. something needs to be done soon to help prevent this disease.
Johan Santana was added to the mets line up. I belive that he will shine and be the missing piece to a championship team.
Wife arrested in dentist's death at Queens playground: Newsday
I am surprised that someone would kill their ex husband in front of their five year old daughter. The women must be crazy to d othis in a playground in front of a little kid. Her reason to do this was because her husband got her daughter in the custody battle, but if she really loved her daughter and wanted to see her why would she kill her husband. She is never going to see her daughter again and now the daughter can't live with her father because he is dead.
Studies Deem Biofuels a Greenhouse Threat
This seems like a big issue becasue this article is saying how the biofuels, made of natrual materials and believed to be more protective to the enviorment, may ommit the same, if not more, harmful gasses into the enviorment. We need to find new efficent fuel sources.
Title: Clinton spends $5 million to keep up with Obama
I personally think that it is absurd that people are upset and furious with the fact that Hillary Clinton is taking money from her own pocket to help fund her campaign. The bottom line is this, if you are running for president then you have an obligation to not only yourself, but your country as well to use any and all resources available to help you win. If that means taking money from your own pocket to do so, then so be it. I can't explain how absolutely ridiculous this is for people to think that it is wrong for her to do this, simply because of the fact that they do not want her to win the Presidential race.
Roosevelt man charged with menacing a cop:Newsday
A man pulled a knife on two police officers while they were checking on him because he was acting suspiciously. They were able to disarm him and now he faces charges of menacing a police officer. When i was reading this article I couldn't believe someone would be stupid enough to try to pull a knife on a police officer.
Health group says tobacco use could kill billion::
in the 20th century tobacco killed 100 million people but in the 21st century 1 billion people are said to be killed.
$200 billion are collected in tobacco taxes each year and on ly one percent of that goes to making people more aware of whats happening to their body.
People are educated all of the time about what tobacco does to their body so it's sad to to see that still so many people put themselves in danger for no reason what so ever.especially when they no the fcts
Clemens back for more talks "Newsday" Went back for a second sit down to discuss the Mitchel Report. Clemens yet still denies allegations of his personal trainer. Clemens has attended more then 16 meetings
Gunman at Super Bowl turns himself in
February 8, 2008
A want to be bar owner angree about getting denied for his liquor license said he would shoot people at the Super Bowl. He drove within sight of the stadium with a rifle and changed his mind before going inside. He turned himself in for being armed with an AR-15 assault-style rifle when he got to the parking lot. He took a minute to think about it and decided he shouldnt do it and it wasnt worth it.
"Clemens back for more lobbying in Washington"- Newsday
Clemens is still deining that he ever used steroids. However on Wednesday he will be asked under oath if he used steroids. The man that accused Clemens of using steroids has a history of lying said Clemens attorney.
"Health group says tobacco use could kill billion"
I think that it is good that the government is getting involved with this issue. The number of people who die due to tobacco related illnesses is ridiculous, and all of them could be prevented. I agree with the suggestion that the government should adopt "tobacco control policies". This will help limit second hand smoke, which has health effects on those who dont choose to smoke, and will hopefully lessen the overall use of tobacco. Compared to the amount of money that is brought in from tobacco, the government spends a small amount on controlling it. It is important that the use of tobacco does not become an issue in developing countries because they will not be able to handle the consequences.
Report: More security needed at Hempstead High-newsday
this is scary because i play handball all the time at easthill and even though we play with all of them basicly its scary just hearing about that and than having it in the back of your head when your playing.
Health group says tobacco use could kill billions
...And they are 100% RIGHT! It IS killing millions! Why the heck are cigarettes still legal, bleep it!
Tony Peck
Meningitis suspected in child's death
An eight-year old boy died Thursday in Medford from meningitis. This is the thrid person in Long Island since January to die from meningitis. It was said that none of these deaths were connected. Doctor Chaudhry said that based on the rapidity that the symptoms worsened, it was most likely meningococcal disease. The school this boy went to is being cleaned thouroughly.
I Beat Up That 101 Year Old Lady---And I'd Do It Again! This was said and i do not believe that it really happeded but the jounalist made a story so he could display his veiws on social secruity and people taking advantage of America. There are old peopel sitting there that shoudltn even be living that are living off our money says the writer. I believe that they have a right, if we are also taken care of when we get to be their age. If you work your whole life you should be able to be comfortable in the golden years.
Article: Mexican Robin Hood Figure Gains a Kind of Notoriety in U.S.
Newspaper: The New York Times
I think it's a bit rediculous that police and the government are suspecting people of drud dealing or drug abuse if they have a statue of this man. You're allowed to own what you want without suspision, and I think people should be allowed to have a statue of this Mexican legend if they want to without being recognized as a drug dealer.
Article: 3 teen girls held in robbery of girl in Roosevelt
Newspaper Newsday
Stories like this make me thankful that there is law enforcement in our country. I think each one of those girls got exactly what they deserved, completely. Reading this article gave me a good feeling of satisfaction.
McCain is doing the right thing by trying to unite the republicans and hes got a strong plan to do it. on the issue of immigration McCain says It would be among my highest priorities to secure our borders first. he also believes in low taxes and strict judges.
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