Tuesday, February 12, 2008

In Class Current Events Response



Christina said...

Ha, a broader fight on terrorism, he says. I really doubt it that Bush had no role in the choice to file those charges. Instead of getting his pose to lie and back him up, he should admit to his feelings on it. Does he NOT understand how many families are suffering now by his poor judgement?
Please, if he's so for the war, his daughters should be joining.

Brandon Altman said...

The United States of America has been faced with terrorists and difficult decision for the entire duration of the Bush presidency. The policies and legislation created during the junior Bush's terms have paved the way for a safer, stronger America. Without the use of the CIA's secret interrogation facilities and the American base in Guantanamo Bay, the United States may very well of been subject to another terrorist attack. What President Bush is doing now, will not only strengthen the country as a whole, but will help pave the way to another Republican President in 2008.

Paige said...

I dont agree that Bush has no say in this decision. He is suppose to be leading us and this is a big decision concerning the U.S.. People said it themselves that he acts very seriouslt when talking about the 9.11. topic. They said because he cares about US citizens. Well if he cares then he should take part in whats happening.

Nira said...

Ummm... I don't get it. What's the article trying to say? That we're STILL involved in Iraq? That Bush STILL refuses to listen to the people? That even though so many children miss their parents, aunts and uncles, and older siblings, and so many families are worrying every day that they'll get that dreaded phone call, that their loved ones aren't ever gonna come back, and so many people have already died; we're STILL IN IRAQ?! I don't get it! Why do people always have to fight each other?! THIS IS WHY I HATE POLITICS!

-Nicole Aleman

JohnKn said...

I do believe that harsh interrogation methods serve a purpose in the collecting of information from certain individuals. However outright torture as punishment for a deed is wrong. In order to really win on the war on terror we must keep the moral highground, to justify future policies and to keep a good standing with the other countries of the world.

caraaa h! said...

i think that giving the death penalty to the six detainees is pointless. if theyre holding information about the 9/11 attacks, then killing them will only cause us to never know the information. i feel like Bush is sounding too sure of himself for his own good and that some of the decisions he is making are wrong. i have mixed feelings with the wiretapping. i see why they would in order to listen in on important calls that might relate back to 9/11 but i think that it should still be illegal to everybody else. Bush is trying as best as he can to fix all of our terrorist problems but maybe he needs different tactics.

Nick F. said...

I undersrand President Bush's feelings on the situation in Iraq, but I think he needs to relize that going in there was a mistake, and that his mistake should be corrected. As for the interrgoation methods, I don't think that anybody should really be critizing that the way that the prisoners were being interrogating was "unfair treatment", seeing as what they have done/planned to do is unfair to innocent people. If anything,I think they all deserve it.

d173067 said...

I think that hopefully the de mocrates get into the whitehouse and get out of this BROADER war as bush said because he rteally messed up this country and like they said it was agianst american policy. So why do it. besides the majority of the un didnt want us to go into the war.

Ashleyce2 said...

Bush is not worried about how the country is feeling i think now he is just in it to make a point. If he doesnt make some sort of sense out of this war he will be remembered as a president who failed terribly, he knows this and is doing anthing in his power to allow himself to remain in full control and not be blamed. He is keepiong troops there and is using American lives to make his point that this war was uneccesary and extreme. Bush has got to go.

keane said...

bush is trying to make the warrentless wiretapeing a premanent thing since 9/11. bushes advisor has calculated that many or most people would not mind harsh interogations or easedroping if it was used to stop further attacks.

RobynSuchy said...

I think that the issues surrounding this article about the terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks are very prominent in today's society and news, but I think that it is very important still give these men their rights. Despite the fact that the attacks on 9/11 were terrible and have forever left their mark on the world, these men deserve a fair trial. The fact that they were tortured for the information they disclosed makes the issue harder to understand and fully evaluate. I think that before any action comes against these men more research should be done to confirm their statements.

AJMa4 said...

I personally think that these trials of agressiv interrogations should be dropped immediately. These are the men responsible for the attack on 9/11, and I'm not saying that it is acceptable to torture these men, but I am saying that I feel an exception is to be made strictly for the purpose of finding out new information. Despite our interrogation techniques, I do not feel that they will fufill their purpose, as these men in question are most likely willing to die on the spot for their cause as brutal and inhumane as it is. At this point in time, with all the men and women that have given their lives for the good will of this country, I feel that we finally need some answers, and if that means being a little extra aggressive in our interrogations with specific people then so be it. I agree with what Dick Cheney had to say in that this is a tougher program for the cowards of the world and now more than ever, this is a time where we need answers fast.

Katherine H said...

I think that bush just cares about himself and doesnt think about others and that he is controlling a big area. i dont think that he cares about his decisions. he got himself in this mess and he is leaving all the dirty work for the next president. its to late to fix what he has done. i think that the whole war shouldnt have happend

Paul said...

Bush did not have anything to do with the choice to file charges. Bush does not regret sending the U.S to war. i am not disagreeing with that decision but we should not be fighting in Iraq right now

lauren said...

I think that interrigation is neccesary but only to an extent. Giving people who don't mind dying the death penalty does not solve any problems. It does not help us get any information.

Sam Wagner said...

I don't think president Bush has made good decisions as our president. He acts so confident about his 9 11 decisions when half the people of the Unitited States don't even agree with him. I don't think it is neccasary to keep 130,000 people in war. Innocent people are suffering from his choices, they don't just affect him they affect the country. People are now living alone and struggling to get by from their family members in the war. I also think that phone tapping sholdnt be fully legal. It should only be used in extreme cases because it is an extreme violation of privacy. If people were doin gthat to president Bush we would probobly find out bad things about him which we otherwise wouldnt know. I think he should think things through a lot more.

Anonymous said...

i think that the whole war is pointless, staing in Iraq isnt getting us anywhere..and bush should have just taken them out of there along time ago. people are losing their lifes for no reason.

cristina sicari said...

The issues about 9-11 and the death penalities for the crimes are going to be the main focous of the election this year. This is exactally what Bush wanted. 9-11 is one of Bushes best topics says Steven Lee Myers, "Mr. Bush never sounds surer of himself than when the subject is Sept. 11". He says the 9-11 presidency is far from over. I think Bush shoudl have a say in this decision, hes our leader adn he should have some say in the penilty. His decisions effect so many people and faimlies in the US, for him to all of a sudden not have a say in deciding about the death penilty, he should have a say.

Matt J. said...

Personally, I think Bush needs to grow up and take responsibility for what he did. He made some mistakes and screwed up but instead of admitting he was wrong and trying to fix it, he tries to cover it up and convince himself that he was right. He’s ignorant to what is really going on with a majority of Americans. There is poverty and death. There are families destroyed cause of war and he continues to tell us "we are winning" and "everything is great." By saying he had no part in this decision just shows how he does not have confidence in it. He is afraid to be criticized so he blames it on others.

Caitlin said...

We are in Iraq in order to protect our country and to spread democracy, but the way that we are doing this does not reflect the ideals which are the basis of our government. It is hard to decide how far we should go in order to prevent attacks on our country like 9/11. The waterboarding techniques are considered torture by many, but some also find it hard to treat the men who were responsible for terrorist acts as if they deserve better treatment. We have gotten ourselves into this war, and it is obvious that we need to finish what we started. Pulling out of it now would lead to a lot of negative consequences for our country and the entire Middle East. It is going to be a big issue for the remainder of Bush's presidency and for the November elections.

Eric B. said...

"With the decision to charge six Guantánamo detainees with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and to seek the death penalty for the crimes, many of those issues will now be back in the spotlight."

This was all I needed to hear out of the entire article. I fully agree, and think that the death penalty should be brought back. I think it's a really good scare tactic for criminals, and if they even go through with whatever crimes they do even after they bring back this, then I feel that they deserve such a punishment. Especially for acts similar to that of 9/11.

Unknown said...

People in Iraq and the Middle East have been treated harshly in interrogations. We must not forget that these are criminals that would kill us in a heartbeat given the chance. After 9/11 we need to find out as much as possible and being harsh gets information. I do not believe that we should cause pain and suffering to an extent, but they caused us a lot of pain and we want to make sure that. They should be in jail and shouldn’t be rewarded for killing Americans. These people are terrorists and need to be controlled or at least jailed and questioned heavily. As for phone tapping, if people say that it is an invasion of privacy, they should not complain and say that bush is not doing enough. We will continue to get attacked and have bombs built for the intention of exploding in American if we do not stay strict and fix the problem of terrorists in the world. Criminals should be treated as criminals. Not embarrassed but not given any benefits. You loose some rights if you make a child blow up a building or plan terrorist’s attack in my opinion.

anthonype4 said...

Tony Peck

I think if people support torture, then they should have no problem with our own soldiers being held hostage and being tortured by another country. People can't say it's inhumane because they support it when our country does it to others. People don't understand that the more and more we make exceptions for our government going against the constitution, the closer we get to a police state which is what the government wants. Bush already stated that he is above the law and also stated that if the Patriot Act wasn't passed, then he would still enforce the laws in it anyway. If people open up their eyes they will see that this is signs of a dictator. Bust is going against the constitution with things like wiretapping, torture, and not to mention the war we are in. Preemptive wars were a strategy Hitler used.