Thursday, February 7, 2008

In-Class Current Event


AJMa4 said...

I personally think that although the 'going green" method of thinking has good intentions, this country will never, ever be green. A number of factors oppose the green mentality such as, like the article stated, it conflicts with people's everyday lives and to change what we do on a daily basis isn't the easiest thing to do. This also requires more effort, and in the laziest country in the world, that may be a difficult goal to achieve. Yes, this is the ideal and most efficient way to think, but I just think that this is one of those goals that will never be reached in this country. It is simply unrealistic to expect the great citizens of our country to change their ways of life in order to help protect the enviornment.

JohnKn said...

Seeing more communities try to go eco friendly would really send a message. I believe as more eco friendly communities develop people are going to embrace the idea even more, because they will see how nice having a clean living enviroment is. Even now we have people trying themselves to cut back on energy to create a better future for the next generation by using energy saving bulbs and hybrid cars.

d173067 said...

i dont understand why people cant just deal with more electric effiect things light the lightbulbs. My mom is swithcing our whole house to them by the summer, we're alreasy half way there. I guess the gov. might have to enforce laws to get stuborn people to help out.

caraaa h! said...

i think that 'going green' definatly is one of the better ideas of this country but as some people said, we probably never will. the government is all talk and never takes action to making sure that things get done. the whole hybrid car thing and energy efficient light bulbs is a good start, but having the stubborn portion of society not wanting to take part in any of this is going to hold us back.

Brandon Altman said...

Currently, the "fact" that global warming even exists is something still heavily debated, discussed, and contended. Now, the waste of the tax dollars of the citizens of the country for something that's still quite unclear is not only unecessary, but wasteful. Would you spend hundreds of your hard earned money because a comet could hit in 4050 and we need a large wall to block it? Before we go out and get our pay checks taxed even more, we should look to solve the debate on whether or not it even exists.

Paige said...

It is a good idea to try to "go green" but i do not think uit will work. In the artical, they said that they needed money in order to do some of the things they want..but they dont have much. "Going green" is like electing the president, not everyone will agree with the person elected. Not everyone will agree with energy efficient equipment. It is a good idea but I dont think it will work. They should find simpler ways to achieve this.

Nira said...

The environment is important! You shouldn't give up just because 'it's sooo hard' or 'it costs sooo much' ! Going green is the right way to go, darn it!

Christina T. said...

The idea of this community trying to do some good for this environment and going eco friendly is a great insight. But I honestly doubt we'll be carbon free by 2020 or anything. One community can't change the whole world.

lauren said...

I think that becoming more energy efficent is a good idea. But it is to costly to pursue so i am not sure that we will be able to accomplish this

anthonype4 said...

Tony Peck

I think that "going green" is a good idea for the whole country. I think people should be more willing to make changes so that carbon dioxide emissions are reduced. This would also help the cause for limiting global warming. If enough people make some changes to help the environment, then results will be seen but only if enough people actually act and make the changes that are necessary. People need to stop thinking about the very present and start thinking about the future because thats when the necessity of changes are going to be more evident and necessary.

RobynSuchy said...

I think that it is very important that people try to conserve the environment. Although I don't think that we should factor in the cost of going green, it is an inevitable fact that we must save and use money efficiently to prevent other problems. I think that the environment demands our attention and despite the cost, we should make a strong attempt to become more environmental friendly

Nick F. said...

In my opinion, people need to start buying energy efficient products. They need to wake up and face reality, and if they don't, the government needs to take action before extreme negative reproductions occur. It may be a difficult goal to achieve, but it needs to be achieved soon, before we're going to pay for our ignorance.

Matt J. said...

I think that although it is expensive and hard to cut down on energy use and an use energy saving techniques, in the long run, it would benift the country and the world greatly. It will save us millions of dollars to stop energy useage now, then to wait till the world is in trouble and have to find quick and emergency ways to save the earth that would cost more.

andrew c said...

I think the 'going green' method is good because is will help the enviornment, but it will be very difficult to achieve this goal. Everyone would have to believe in this method of going green for it to would work. It's going to be a hard goal to achieve, but its worth a try.

Katherine H said...

i think that trying to make more communities eco friendly is a good idea.Everyone will have to work really hard to make this work. I think more and more people will realize that there is a problem in the world today. Some people have already taken some actions to go green. By buying hybrid cars, using for efficiant light bulbs etc... More people should start acting now because i think everyone should have a nice world to live in.

cristina sicari said...

Green technoligys end up causing a huge increase in taxes. The benifits of said technoligy is still disputed also with laws

Ashleyce2 said...

I think that encouraging towns to conserve energy is a very good idea. Going green of course would improve our enviroment and alot of of other situation but its a little too optimisitic to beleive that the entire country will be gree by 2002 as the lad y i nthe article said.

We need to take steps to become completly "green" but we also need to take these steps realisticly and keeping in mind that our ecomic system would not be able to handle too drmatic of a change considering oil.

Unknown said...

"When you set the bar too high, it becomes demotivating.” Said Laura Fiffick. This is true and i am a firm believer that in order to get things done you kneed to star off slow and work it into somthign big that is intended to be accomplished. In this case, Carbon Emissions and savign the environment needs to be adressed sooner before later but we need to slowly intergrate improvents to make the transaction to green not so drastic. WE need to Slowly bring hybrids into the economy and eventually make them the norm. We also need to slowly transform the old sources of energy to knew forms. They need to be prefected and the country needs to be prepaired for such change. We need to know that we caused to many problems that it will take some time to right the wrongs.

Caitlin said...

I think that this issue is very important. I think it is necessary that state and county legislatures work to cut emissions. This article shows, however, that this is not always so easy. I think that leaders need to work to find a way to make going green easier. They say that we cannot afford it, but I think that the effects of not going green will be worse than the cost of getting there. I think that the fact that the solar panels were vetoed "on aesthetic grounds".

Sam Wagner said...

I think that the going green project is a good idea, but I don't think it is the most realistic. I don't think that there are enough people who care enough to "go green". I do think that the few people that are "going green" are helping the enviorment and a few people at a time is better than no one at all.

Alex said...

I think that it is a good idea to "go green" but it would be hard to do. Not a lot of people like change so it would be very hard to do this.