Thursday, February 14, 2008

Work for Friday

Go to the following website and research your topic. Then, post at least three facts and the title and author of the article where you found those facts on this blog. EACH MEMBER OF YOUR GROUP MUST DO THIS!!!

the password is: hseast

You may only use this website for today. Your work will be checked today. A penalty will be incurred on evreryone's grade if the sub reports any bad behavior.


Caitlin said...

Title : Restricting Gun Ownership Protects Society and Reduces Crime
Author: Tami Roleff

-In its original form, the Brady Law required a five-day waiting period and background check before completion of the sale of a handgun.
-Since the Brady Law went into effect through the end of 1999, the overall proportion of aggravated assaults involving a firearm fell by 12.4%.
-According to the U.S. Department of Justice, during the first six years after the Brady Law went into effect, background checks nationwide stopped over 600,000 felons and other prohibited purchasers from buying handguns from federally licensed firearm dealers.

Nira said...

Title-Comprehensive Health Care Reform Is Unlikely

Author-Jonathan Oberlander

* President Bill Clinton attempted to initiate a health care reform plan in 1994, which failed.

* America's Health Care System is a mixture of public(federal) and private insurance.

* In 2000, 14% of Americans lacked health insurance. About 80% of the uninsured were either workers or lived in families with workers.

Nicole Rose Aleman

Brandon Altman said...

The Second Amendment Does Not Protect Private Gun Ownership
Rachana Bhowmik

- The Second Amendment doesn't protect the individual right to own guns without regulation, rather the states rights to properly equipt a citizen militia to stand against federal tyranny.

- During the time of the Founding Fathers, gun control was more widespread than it is now.

- "Arms" is a connotation of military weaponry.

Sam Wagner said...

Most Regulations on Gun Ownership Are Not Reasonable

1.People need to undersatnd gun control is not linked to the second amendment. People shouldnt just have guns.
2.The Gun laws are not to go over the second amendment, they are to give regulations.
3.The second amendment is linked in our history from wars, not in everyday life.

Jason Kallini

anthonype4 said...

tony peck Health care

The United States Should Adopt National Health Insurance by David DeGrazia

1. The United States and South Africa are the only remaining industrialized nations that fail to provide universal access to health care
2. Approximately 40 million Americans lack any form of health insurance at a given time
3.Some 59 million Americans go without health insurance for part of the year

Unknown said...

Coronary bypass surgery for a 50-year-old man: $49,000

Americans spend $23,000 a second on medical care, more than $2 billion a day, $733 billion a year. That is nearly twice what they spent seven years ago, including annual increases of 10% during the past two years.

Unchecked, the U.S. medical bill will more than double in the next 10 years, to $1.6 trillion, crowding out spending for other urgent needs. "Health-care costs have created an American state of siege,"

Castro, Janice website page one

Ashleyce2 said...

The Second Amendment Does Not Protect Private Gun Ownership
--The use of the phrase "bear arms" further illustrates the military connotations of the Second Amendment. To "bear arms" means to possess weapons for military use

Gun Control Poses a Threat to Self-Defense
--Gun control infringes on this right and limits people's ability to defend themselves. Gun control keeps guns out of the hands of the urban poor, the people who are most in need of self defense.

Children Are at Risk from Handgun Violence
--More and more American children are becoming victims of handgun violence, maintains Clarence Page in the following viewpoint. Other children, he contends, are traumatized by the gun-related deaths of their classmates or relatives and by the increasing level of violence in their neighborhoods.

d173067 said...

"Alcohol abuse among teens:a growing national problem" By:Williams, Stephen

. An estimated one in five teens runs a high risk of becoming an alcoholic, and those who start drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to have a problem later in life than those who wait until they're 21- This says that the earlier you start drinking the more of a chance you have of becoming an alcioholic.

. The article also states that if parents let their children drink at home because they think its safer for them to drink under their own roof is basicly telling their kids its okay to drink.

. A survey across america found that over 4.4million kids drink to get drunk (binge drinking) monthly.

cristina sicari said...

Title : Most Regulations on Gun Ownership Are Not Reasonable. Author: Jason Kallini.

1. The Second Amendment doesn't restrict gun ownership—it in fact supports it.
2.People think gun control is not linked to the Second Amendment.
3.Other people think it was write to control what type of guns people are allowed to own.

Paige said...

Juvinile Drinking

Artical 1: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Youth

Author: Ed. Sandra M. Alters


1. In 2003 approximately 75% of high school students had consumed at least one alcoholic drink in their lifetime, according to the CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Report—United States 2003.

2. According to Monitoring the Future, 6.7% of eighth graders, 18.2% of tenth graders, and 30.9% of twelfth graders reported being drunk during the previous month in 2003

3. In 2003 high school males and females were about as likely to be using alcohol at the time of the survey. For example, among students in eleventh grade, 47.3% of males were current alcohol users compared with 46.8% of females, and in twelfth grade, 56.0% of males were current alcohol users compared with 55.5% for females.

Artical 2: Underage Drinking gets younger and drinking more

Author: Kate Stone Lombardi.

1.Teenage drinking is nothing new. But educators, the police and experts in substance abuse say the teenage drinking scene today is far different from what it was a generation ago. First, teenagers are drinking at much younger ages and drinking considerably more than teenagers did 20 years ago. Further, there is widespread availability of drugs at parties. Also, there is a trend toward bigger parties, which can quickly spiral out of control.

2. Younger teenagers are not only physically smaller, and therefore less able to process the alcohol, but also less socially developed to cope with situations that arise at drinking parties. Not only are they more likely to engage in unprotected sex, Ms. Morehouse said, but they are also more likely to be exposed to other drugs. She added that the presence of weapons at parties is also on the rise and that at a big party in an upscale community in northern Westchester recently, a gun had been fired, though no one was hurt.

3. Substance abuse experts say that many parents misunderstand the current teenage drinking scene. In some cases, today's parents were children in the 1960's and have a more relaxed attitude toward alcohol and drugs. Other parents are simply naive and do not realize how much the youth culture has changed.

4.''It's very common to hear from parents, 'What's the big deal -- when I was in high school, I drank. My friends drank,' but it is very different today,'' said Ellen Morehouse, the executive director of Student Assistance Services in Tarrytown, which provides substance abuse counseling to middle schools, high schools and colleges in the county.

Aritical 3:A Crackdown On Smoking And Drinking By the Young

Author: David M. Halbfinger


1. The under-age-drinking bill, which is supported by police and municipal officials throughout the state, would close a loophole that has made it difficult for the police to crack down on rowdy summertime house parties and backyard keggers along the Jersey Shore.

2. In Washington, Matthew L. Myers, president of the National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids, said that tobacco companies supported such bans ''because it transfers the responsibility for their wrongdoing to children. A ban could actually be harmful, he said, ''if people think that solves the problem.''

3. The tobacco ban would subject people under 18 who are caught buying or holding any form of tobacco to a $25 fine, which would be refunded after they sat through an education program about the dangers of tobacco use. A violation would be considered a civil offense, like a parking ticket, but not a crime.

Nick F. said...

Title: Drinking is a Serious Health Problem For Teens

Author: The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University

- Underage drinking is implicated in teen overdose deaths, suicides, and accidents.
- Underage drinkers are at greater risk of nicotine and illegal drug addiction.
- Teen drinking is the number one source of adult alchoholism.

lauren said...

Title:A Variety of Factors Put Teens At Risk
Author: Gene Stephens

1.Children lose hope for the future. They turn to peers for attention; they turn to guns for protection, security and status; and they turn to sex and drugs for comfort and relief of boredom. The gang too often becomes their "family"—the only place where they receive attention and approval.

2. Children left alone without adult attention are more likely to experiment with sex and drugs. Teenagers who try drugs are more likely to be involved in delinquent behavior.

3.According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 85% of all children exhibiting behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. Other statistical findings indicate that children from fatherless homes are: 32 times more likely to run away; nine times more likely to drop out of high school; 14 times more likely to commit rape; 10 times more likely to be substance abusers; and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.

JohnKn said...

The United States Should Adopt National Health Insurance

-the U.S. spends an estimated 25 cents of every health care dollar on administration
-wealthy special-interest groups with a financial stake in maintaining something resembling the status quo have exerted Herculean political muscle in recent discussions of health care reform.
-Exploding health expenditures have led to cost containment efforts that add to the administrative hassles physicians must endure and that, ironically, tend to increase overall spending through the inefficiencies of micromanagement.

keane said...

title: Changing Permissive Attitudes Toward Teenage Drinking

1.In recent years, I have found a small but vocal group of graduates who complain that the social scene on their respective campuses provides little that is not alcohol-related.

2.Even those students who happily join in with the drinking gang often discover after one semester that this behavior has directly affected their academic performance, and when they choose to limit their involvement, they find they are socially bored. As a result, I see a growing trend of students who want to live off campus in their own apartments, where they can create a more adult lifestyle and avoid the immature behavior they perceive to be rampant in college dormitories.

3.A senior throws a party for his friends. The parents allow alcohol to be served with the understanding that all drivers must turn in their car keys and spend the night. Later that night, their own son and a companion take the keys to the family car with the intention of picking up some girls.

The son, trying to negotiate a turn, hits a utility pole and is instantly killed, while his companion is thrown from the car and sustains permanent injury. The parents of the deceased place a memorial plaque in the student's school that includes a photo of the son with a beer in his hand.

Eric B. said...

Article:Consumer-Driven Health Care Prompts People to Spend Less on Health Care

Author:Devon M. Herrick

*Consumer driven health care is a new paradigm for health care delivery.

*According to a recent survey of patients visiting an internal medicine practice, ... 54 percent had used the Internet to gather health information.

*In the 1980s and 1990s, employers began replacing fee-for-service health plans with managed care in an attempt to reduce their health care costs

Matt J. said...

Title: Law Enforcement Strategies for Reducing Underage Drinking

Authors:Bobby Little, Mike Bishop

Fact one: Most parents drank for the first time at a young age and feel it is harmless for their children to do it.

Fact two: more then forty percent of college students binge drink

Fact three: More teens die in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes than from any other cause. This shows how its out of control and needs to be stopped.

RobynSuchy said...

Title: Why I Tell My Teenage Patients to Drink
Author: Patricia J. Roy
-Teenage alcoholism can possibly be lessened can if parents allow their children to drink in the safety of the home rather than in the streets or out of control parties
-"The place to find out that your limit is three beers is in your own home with the care of your parents." Rather than being drunk at a friend’s house and making decisions that you may regret, you can be under the responsible eyes of your parents.
-Usually teenagers fall under peer pressure, and while it is not good to fall to it all or most of the time, but if they are experienced with the affects of alcohol, they will not be as tempted to fall to their friends

caraaa h! said...

topic- supervised teenage alcoholism:

1. parents make excuses for giving their teens alcohol such as, "its only beer," or "better at my house supervised then somewhere else." other parents oppose this, and if their child is given alcohol from another parent then that parent is responsible for it.


2. at one teenage drinking party a parent allowed underaged drinking, and after the boys were intoxicated they returned to the race track where one 17 year old boy was run over and killed by his intoxicated friend. the parent was held responsible.¤tPosition=2&userGroupName=smithtown&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28SU%2CNone%2C19%29%22Juvenile+Drinking%22%24&inPS=true&searchType=BasicSearchForm&displaySubject=&docId=A169327965&docType=IAC

3. parents would rather their children drink in tents in the backyard and take away car keys then have the child drinking in a parking lot. if a parent is supplying the alcohol and physically allowing this to happen they are held responsible.¤tPosition=18&userGroupName=smithtown&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28SU%2CNone%2C19%29%22Juvenile+Drinking%22%24&inPS=true&searchType=BasicSearchForm&displaySubject=&docId=A131305223&docType=IAC

4. if police believe that there is a teenage party going on they have the right to enter the house to see for themselves. if the police are getting involved then the parents must be held responsible for their actions.¤tPosition=60&userGroupName=smithtown&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28SU%2CNone%2C19%29%22Juvenile+Drinking%22%24&inPS=true&searchType=BasicSearchForm&displaySubject=&docId=A16821768&docType=IAC